UX Ecosystem Design
APP, Figma
CRAWL is a bar crawling app that allows users to access bars of all kind, whether they are fan-favorites or underground, CRAWL let's the user have the ultimate bar hopping experience.

Problem Statement
Users want to have good bar experiences, however the decision process can get difficult. Some users want to know what they are getting into before agreeing to go out, while others are looking for new bar options to explore but don't know where to start.
This app will allow users to see new and exciting bar options based on their preferences, whether it's a casual night at a brewery or going out to a high-end lounge. Users will be able to search and select bars suitable for everyone's wants. This will make the planning process easier and lets users know exactly what they are signing up for.
Task Flow #1

Task Flow #2

Data Collection

User Journey Map

Initial + Lo-Fi Wireframes

Style Exploration #1
Style Exploration #2

Set Style + Design Exploration
For my final style, I decided to go with a combination of my first two style explorations, combining the dark background of the first style with the bright and fun colors in the second style. The vibrant colors end up in the iconography and typography of my final stye. This achieves the look of neon lights in a dark bar, an exciting symbol of nightlife.


Style Guide

Information Architecture

Final Screen States | Task Flow 1

Final Screen States | Task Flow 2

App Icon

Click here for prototype! https://www.figma.com/proto/9USYEmdOJPMSEVmd2PcsUI/Bar-App?page-id=205%3A699&node-id=250-742&starting-point-node-id=437%3A1247&mode=design&t=AKgpGeSdCQka4iAz-1